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Christmas challenge

The story of a dream

As 2011 draws to a close we are looking back with affection at all the joys and worries we have shared in the past 12 months with you, the mothers. Having met our goals, having completed a successful round of training for consultants and health professionals, the start of the new round of training for 2012 – all that inspires us to look forward to reaching new heights in the New Year.

Christmas is that time of year when everyone shares their most cherished wishes and hopes for their dreams to come true. We at NABS also have a dream: to do our training for volunteer breastfeeding consultants and health professionals outside of Sofia, in a place in Bulgaria, where it has never been done before. The first step to fulfill our dream has already been made. A friend gave us a great idea, and we embraced it: write a letter to Santa Claus:

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